Wellness |
Tobacco Cessation: “Kick the habit” for good! Join our 4-week class and receive guidance on exercise, stress management, dental health and weight management. Group discussion and the American Cancer Society’s “Freshstart” modules give you tools and strategies for success! Other options: · SmokeSignals®: This latest computer technology can help you stop smoking! Use a unique combination of a smart cigarette case with web-based advice & feedback to enhance your success! · Ready, Set, STOP! : CD based program for checkout · SAMMC Quitline: 1-877-726-6211 (free patches or gum) · www.ucanquit2.org: Chat online with a certified tobacco cessation professional .
Eat This, Not That! :
Don’t let extra weight
creep up on you! This 1-hour class provides strategies for
maintaining a healthy weight throughout your life. Includes diet
prescription. |